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Beta Reader Application
First name
Contact Email
Last name
Send to Kindle Email
What is "Send to Kindle?"
What is your level of beta-reading experience?
No previous experience
Some experience
Extensive experience
Beta reader terms and conditions (Please confirm all)
I confirm that by applying as a beta reader for Logan Fox, I will return my feedback within 14 days of receiving the manuscript.
I confirm that if required, I will read the previous books in the series for context before beginning the beta version manuscript.
I confirm that I have a Send to Kindle email address, and that previous books (if needed for context) will be sent ONLY to this address.
I understand that, as this is the beta version of a manuscript, there may be instances where not all triggers have been noted and will use caution when reading.
I understand that the manuscript I am being provided is under copyright, and that sharing, distributing, or copying the manuscript in any way, shape, or form is illegal.
I understand that I will be using Google Docs to provide feedback on manuscripts, and confirm that I have enough experience with the app to leave comments.
Thank you!
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