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Win a paperback of Fyre and Ash

Win a paperback of Fyre and Ash

10 Nov 2023

It's so sad that I live at the south pole. Okay, South Africa isn't exactly Antarctica, but it costs the same to ship stuff here, I'm sure. 


I don't know when I'll see a paperback of my latest release, Fyre and Ash, but it sure won't be before my readers do! My PA let me know yesterday that they've arrived, and she's getting ready to ship them out as Patreon rewards along with some awesome swag


I'll share more deets about that next week, but this week…I want to give away one of those gorgeous paperbacks AND 3 ebook copies of Fyre and Ash, because if you guys haven't read Gideon and Charlotte's dark stalker romance story yet…OMG you gotta! 


After you've read the trigger warnings, though If you like to go in blind, that's cool, but don't come cussing at me in my emails or on socials, because this time I've listed allll the triggers in the front of the book, lol


Okay, so more on the competition! All you have to do to stand a chance to win either the paperback (1st prize) OR one of the three runner up ebook copies of Fyre and Ash, is complete a survey for me. 


Yeah, I'm nosy, but in my line of work, living under a rock is no use to anyone. Winners will be announced on the 24th of November!  

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